With so many events, places and even play dates currently closed to us, we are continuously on the search for new adventures. Recently, a sweet little friend of ours created a nature scavenger hunt for us. This has given even more purpose and focus in our outdoor outings. At the same time, it inspired us to create our own scavenger hunts for other friends. This way we feel like we are inspiring others to get outside and take a closer look at the world around them.
Creating a scavenger hunt can be as simple or challenging as you want. We even incorporated nature themes to indoor scavenger hunts for friends who can’t get outside easily or comfortable. Seasonal allergies are no fun for some!
Here are a few nature scavenger hunt ideas to get you and the family started.
· Bird (you can even be specific, for example: a Robin)
· Pink flower
· Worm
· Tree root sticking out of the ground
· Smooth pebble
· Bird singing (this gets kids using their other senses like hearing)
· Shell
· Puddle
· Fallen leaf
· Dandelion
· Smell of a Wild onion (using sense of smell)
· Smooth pebble (using sense of feel)
Now, grab some paper and start jotting down ideas. Don’t forget to get the kiddos to help. I’m always amazed by their creative and thoughtful ideas and suggestions!
Share with us the scavenger hunts you create and pics or videos of you all on the hunt. We’ll join in with you!
