When you see dandelions what is your initial thought? Do you see a flower or a weed? Do you think wishes are coming or that mowing is needed? Do you see wonder or frustration?

I’m thankful to be the person who sees a flower, wish and wonder. Plus, I get to raise my kiddos with that same mindset. I love to continuously share with them all the gifts that dandelions provide us. Did you know you can eat dandelions? Even make tea and bread from this amazing little plant.
The other day, I shared with my daughter a favorite childhood activity. We used dandelions in a creative way, by making dandelion crowns. It is a simple and sweet memory that I was delighted to pass on to her.

Making a dandelion crown is an easy outdoor activity. Simply start by collecting dandelions. This time of year, there are plenty of these little guys growing everywhere. I told my daughter to hunt for the tallest ones and to pick them at the ground. It is easier to make a crown when the stems are about three inches long.
You can start by gathering around 15-20 dandelions. The amount you need is determined by how big you want your crown. Take your first flower; make a slit in the stem about an inch from the bottom of the flower head. (See picture for example). I simple used my finger nail to make the slit but you can also use a small knife.

Take a second flower and thread its stem into the slit in the first flower. Now, make a slit in the second stem and thread the third flower into that new hole.

Continue this pattern until you have the desired length. At that point you can thread the initial flower into the slit of the last stem. Finally, you can make a knot with those two stems, so it is less likely to unravel.

Lastly, place that beautiful flowery crown on the head of your sweet kiddo. Watch their imagination come alive with lots of outdoor play!

Share your dandelion crowns with us at #freespiritedmom and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @freespiritmom.
PS - Your baby might want to help you! LOL
